Rebecca Daniella
Contact: rebeccadaniella06@gmail.com
Close-up of "Hanzo" made in ZBrush and Maya.
Side-by-side of "Hanzo" referencing artwork by David Ardinaryas Lojaya based on the character from Blizzard Entertainment's Overwatch.
Turnaround of "Hanzo."
Topology of "Hanzo."
Work-in-progress of Yuna from Final Fantasy X based on concept art by David Ardinaryas Lojaya. Hair made using xgen.
Close-up of Yuna.
Close-up of Yuna in ZBrush with topology visible. Sculpted hair version.
Turnaround of my character sculpt "Marinelle" made in ZBrush and Maya.
Side-by-side of "Marinelle." Original concept by Carlotta Dicataldo, 3D sculpt by me.
Close-Up shot of "Marinelle."
Callout reference sheet for tower piece.
Environment model of Astrologer's Dream House concept by Marina Montale, made in Maya and ZBrush.
Judy's Meter Maid car from Zootopia based on Jim Martin's concept art.
Side view.
Back view.
Inside details.
Model next to Jim Martin's concept art.
Car Topology.
Model of a SMEG espresso machine.
Front view.
Side view.
Topology of Smeg machine.
Model of a Nintendo Switch.
A lava lamp modeled and animated with deformers.